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Studies on solution UV-VIS spectroscopy of transition metal complexes with Schiff bases
Języki publikacji
Metal complexes derived from Schiff bases have been known for one hundred years. The complexes have occupied a central role in the development of coordination chemistry. This situation is manifested by huge number of publications ranging from the physicochemical to biochemical relevant studies of these complexes. The reason for this sustained interest in those compounds are undoubtedly many but important among them must be their general ease to preparation, and diverse properties, e.g., their ability to reversibly bind oxygen, catalytic activity, photochromic and thermochromic properties. Schiff base are those compound containing the azomethine group (-RHC=N-) and usually formed by the condensation of amine with carbonyl compound. Bases which are effective as coordinating ligands bear a functional group, usually -OH, sufficiently near the site of condensation that a five- or six membered chelate ring can be formed upon reaction with a metal ion. Tautomeric equilibrium of three tautomers is possible for Schiff base compounds: imine, enamine and keto-imine. The presence of the imine and enamine tautomeric forms depends on the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bond. It is claimed that enamine form is dominant in napthaldimines while imine form in salicylaldimines. The distribution of the tautomeric equilibrium is strongly depend on the solvents. The presence of keto-imine form is insignificant for Schiff base compounds, but is found in the case of b-diketones and arylimines of b-ketoethers. The most significant complexes of the salicylaldimines are of the types: bi-, tri- and tetracoordinateSchemat 3. The geometry of Schiff base complexes depends on substituent at the coordinating nitrogen atoms. For tetra-coordinate copper(II) complexes different types of geometry is possible. A planar structure has been established for the copper(II) complexes (with bidentate Schiff base) where the substituent is hydrogen atom, hydroxyl, methyl, n-butyl or n-amyl group. In the other hand the copper(II) complexes where the substituent is isopropyl or tert-butyl are pseudo-tetrahedral. For tetra-coordinate cobalt(II), either a square-planar or pseudo-tetrahedral geometry is possible. A pseudo-tetrahedral structure has been established for the cobalt(II) complexes (with bidentate Schiff base) where the substituent is n-propyl, isopropyl, n-butyl, tert-butyl, cyclohexyl or aryl group. Cobalt(II) complexes with bidentate Schiff bases where the substituent is hydrogen atom or hydroxyl group have a planar geometry, because of formation hydrogen bonding between hydrogen (from hydroxyl group) and oxygen (from aldehyde linkage). Geometry of this type is characteristic for cobalt(II) complexes witch Schiff base tetradentate (e.g., with salicylidene-ethylenediamine). The aim of this account is to summarize the result of studies of structural and spectroscopic properties on Schiff bases and their complexes. These have been reviewed based on 104 articles.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 105 poz.
- Zakład Problemów Teoretycznych Chemii Nieorganicznej, Instytut Chemii, Akademia Podlaska ul. 3 Maja 54, 08-110 Siedlce
- Zakład Problemów Teoretycznych Chemii Nieorganicznej, Instytut Chemii, Akademia Podlaska ul. 3 Maja 54, 08-110 Siedlce
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