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Podręcznik multimedialny w kształceniu chemicznym

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The multimedial textbook in chemistry teaching
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A review of current textbooks on the teaching of chemistry allows us to state that an ever-growing number of them are not only very thoroughly illustrated, but are supplemented by many didactic media. The elements supporting the textbook should be treated as unique elements added at the time that the text itself was already in existence. Quite a different teaching approach is found in the case of textbooks created from the outset with the idea of using many medial codes of presenting information and having a unitary structure with specially prepared supporting media (slides, overhead transparencies, videocassetes). In the situation where the supporting media comprise the fundamental element of the audio-visual textbook, taking over a considerable amount of its content, the preparation of the appropriate materials takes on the central role in creating the book itself. Preparation of a textbook fulfilling the above mentioned criteria encounters difficulties primary of a technical nature. The hope for overcoming them lies over more often in multimedial textbooks. Working with multimedial textbook of this type should place the student in a research situation, creating conditions for conducting independent reseach - seeking answers to posed questions and providing solutions to theoretical and practical problems. Substitution of the traditional textbook with multimedial one opens several hitherto unused avenues of action made available through the new educational technology. In Poland, multimedial textbooks have yet to be developed, which would be devoted to the teaching of chemistry at the high school and junior high school level (from 13 to 18 years) and meeting the standards of the of the curriculum. These considerations have resulted in our developing research aimed at an evaluation of the effectivness of chemistry teaching supported by multimedial programs. The latter are aimed at intellectual and manual motivation of the students through emotional engagement and the way they reinforce information retention and provide acceptable methods of systematizing information elicited by the structure of the multimedial programs themselves. In considering the resuts of our research, confirming the possibility of a considerable improvement in the effectiveness of teaching natural science subjects by means of multimedia, we undertook activities aimed at developing multimedial textbooks for the teaching of chemistry at various educational levels. This undertaking of considerable scope is initiated by the textbook Chemistry with Elements of Ecology by H. Gulińska and A. Burewicz, aimed at the high school level of teching. The textbook Chemistry with Elements of Ecology is composed of three parts (each on two CD-ROMs) and contains the following subject area groups: Part 1 - "Chemistry Fundamentals", Part 2 - "Types of Inorganic Compounds", Part 3 - "Carbon and Its Compounds"
Opis fizyczny
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  • Zakład Dydaktyki Chemii, Wydział Chemii, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza ul. Grunwaldzka 6, 60-780 Poznań
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MEiN, umowa nr SONP/SP/546092/2022 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2022-2023).
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