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Modelowanie heterogenicznych reakcji związków organicznych w atmosferze

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Modelling of heterogeneous reactions of organic compounds in the atmosphere
Języki publikacji
Any organic substances emitted from various sources into the oxygen-containing atmosphere are subjected to oxidation in sunlight-initiated reactions. The role of various processes in the sinks is different and inconstant because it depends not only on the physico-chemical properties of specific compounds but also on varying environmental conditions, solar radiation level, the content of anthropogenic pollutants and dust in the atmosphere, aerosol particles composition, etc. [1-3]. A fundamental property of the Earth's atmosphere is its heterogeneity. Billions of tons of continuosly renewed, finely dispersed material of tremendous surface and excess free energy are annually emitted into it. Aerosol particles formed during weathering of the Earth's crust mainly consist of minerals based on silica (pyroxene, epidote, mica, quartz, etc.) as well as apatite, magnetite, ilmenite, etc. [13-15]. The particles of NaCl and KCl in the sea aerosol contain as inclusion in the crystalline lattice the atoms of many metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ti, Zn, etc.) [9]. This composition of the main components of natural aerosol ensures the appearance of impurity conductivity upon irradiation with light in the near UV or even in the visible spectral regions (Tab.3). As a results of irradiation, various active centres (free radicals and ions) are formed on the particles, thus ensuring the possibility of photochemosorption of volatile components [16-21]. Therefore, there is no doubt that the surface of solid particles of atmospheric aerosol should serve as an arena on which various chemical transformations with the participation of sorbed components take place (Tab. 5). The results of laboratory investigations of the oxidation of isoprene, monoterpenes [43-45, 47], aromatic hydrocarbons [36, 44-46, 48, 50-52] and halocarbons [27, 28, 30] on particles of metal oxides, desert sand, volcanic ash, sea salt, and calcium carbonate are reported. The only gaseous oxidation product was CO2, however, a broad spectrum of intermediates is detected on the particle surface. The values of rate constants for heterogeneous oxidation of different organic compounds indicate that these reactions can compete with gas-phase oxidation and, hence, deserve attention as a possible sink of Corg in the atmosphere [48, 58-60].
Opis fizyczny
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