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Biofuel production to power compression ignition engines on a small scale, using alkaline catalysts is not a difficult process. The problem could be the collection of excess alcohol, which is used during production in this conduct of process of biofuel. The authors attempted to develop the control algorithm of alcohol evaporation process, in the "field esterification plant" which is used to produce biofuels on demands for Department of Mechatronics and Information Technology Education Chair of University of Warmia and Mazury. The article describes the mobile installation used for the production of biofuels and requirements, which this installation should conform, working in a variety of conditions. The installation should work properly with different mixtures of components with different proportions of vegetable and animal fats mixed with methyl or ethyl alcohol. The algorithm controls the process in a way that it was possible to use of not only methyl alcohol, but also other alcohols, at variable temperature of refrigerant cooling excess alcohol vapours. The adaptive control algorithm of alcohol evaporation process improves the efficiency of system operation by reducing production time and decrease of electricity power and water (needed to cool the heat exchanger) consumption. Software upgrade also affects the quality of the obtained final product, as well as on the whole process.
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Bibliogr. 4 poz., rys.
- University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Department of Mechatronics and IT Education Słoneczna Street 46A, 10-710 Olsztyn tel.: +48 89 5245101, fax: +48 89 5245150, mechatronika@uwm.edu.pl
- [1] „User Manual for MiniOCS, MiniRCS, and SmartStix”, http://www.heapg.com/assets/ downloads/ classic-ocs/miniocs/HE-MiniOCS_MiniRCS_UserManual_m030504.pdf.
- [2] Chraplewska, N,. Duda, K., Ethyl and methyl esters production field esterification plant, Journal of KONES Powertrain and Transport, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 47-54, 2011.
- [3] Piętak, A., Wierzbicki, S., Duda, K., Possibility of automation of a mobile biodiesel production plant. Solid State Phenomena. Mechatronic Systems, Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 180, pp. 76-88, 2012.
- [4] Piętak, A., Chraplewska, N., Duda, K.,: Examining the quality of custom production’s biofuels. Journal of KONES Powertrain and Transport, Vol. 17, 2010.
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