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Analysis of the influence of undesirable actions of operators of transport means on safety of transport task accomplishments

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Safety of transport is the main goal of transportation systems to achieve. This is of crucial importance for the road transportation as the number of used transport means is constantly increasing which involves a rise in the number of used vehicles and an increase in the intensity of traffic, especially in urban areas. Obviously, actions aiming at reducing the number of road collisions and protecting people involved in those events have been taken. These actions are taken both by vehicle designers both active and passive safety systems, as well as road traffic engineers who are responsible for actions aiming at increasing the safety level of transport infrastructure through implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Although there are more and more modern engineering solutions in the fields of vehicle design and road traffic, it is still the human who is the weakest link of the socio-technical system, including the system of road transportation. For this reason, the authors of this work have made an attempt to analyze the undesirable impact of transport means on the safety of transport tasks. The experimental tests have been performed within a real system of municipal public transportation to illustrate a transportation system exposed to changing conditions of road traffic during twenty-four hours.
Słowa kluczowe
  • [1] Bojar, P., Muślewski, Ł., Woropay, M., Analiza czynników wymuszających i ocena ryzyka w komunikacji tramwajowej, Czasopismo Logistyka, Nr 3, 2012.
  • [2] Bojar, P., Ocena ryzyka związanego z transportem kolejowym materiałów niebezpiecznych, XV Int. Conference Computer Systems Aided Science, Industry And Transport, Zakopane 2011.
  • [3] Bojar, P., Ocena ryzyka zajścia zdarzeń niepożądanych wynikającego z naruszeń przepisów o ADR, Logistyka, Nr 6, 2011.
  • [4] Woropay, M., Bojar, P., Influence of human factor on transport system safety, Scientific Journals Maritime University of Sczecin 27(99), Z. 2, Szczecin 2011.
  • [5] Bojar, P., Woropay, M., Muślewski, Ł., Propozycja budowy metody oceny niepożądanych działań ludzi usytuowanych w systemie antropotechnicznym i jego otoczeniu, Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa Transport XXI Wieku, Wydawnictwo Pol. Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2010.
  • [6] Woropay, M., Bojar, P., Identyfikacja zdarzeń niepożądanych w systemie transportu miejskiego, Problemy Eksploatacji 1, (76), Wydawnictwo Instytutu Technologii Eksploatacji, Radom 2010.
  • [7] Bojar, P., Muślewski, Ł, Woropay, M., Szpytko, J., Influence of human factor on transport system safety, Latest Trends on Applied Mathematics Simulation, Modeling. 4th Internacional Conference on Applied Mathematics Simulation, Modeling (ASM’10), Corfu Island, Greece 2010.
  • [8] Woropay, M., Bojar, P., Ocena wpływu oddziaływań ludzi usytuowanych w systemach transportu drogowego na bezpieczeństwo ich działania, Zimowa Szkoła Nizawodności, Szczyrk 2009.
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