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The paper presents investigations identifying an influence of complex cyclic loading controlled by the strain signals on the selected mechanical properties of the 2024 aluminium alloy. Investigations of proportional and non-proportional loading paths in the form of square and circle were carried out at room temperature using thin-walled tubular specimens enabling realisation of complex stress states due to acting of axial force and twisting moment. The hardening effect of the material due to cyclic loading was observed on the basis of: stress responses into the strain controlled loading programme; hysteresis loop variations and amounts of stress amplitude. In the case of the non-proportional cyclic loading an additional hardening effect was identified. Second-order effects, which allow better understanding of the influence of proportional and non-proportional loading paths on mechanical behaviour of engineering materials, were identified. In the case of the circular loading path a delay of the maximum stress signals with respect to strain ones is demonstrated. For the square loading path a softening effect was observed. It is reflected by the rapid stress drop on this direction, which is perpendicular to that where the stress level begins to turn back. The yield surface approach is also applied in order to assess the mechanical properties variations due to cyclic loading of the material.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 6 poz., rys.
- Białystok University of Technology Department of Applied Mechanics Wiejska Street 45c, 15-351 Białystok, Poland tel.: +48 85 7469312, fax: +48 85 7469210, szymczak@pb.edu.pl
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