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Article presents analysis of surface roughness of aircraft and vehicle power transmission system gear teeth made by different Rapid Prototyping methods. Gear box models have been made by two rapid prototyping methods: stereolithography (SLA), three dimensional printing (3DP) and two rapid tooling methods: Vacuum Casting (VC), Low Pressure Injection (LPI). Surface roughness for rapid prototyping methods is determined mostly by layered system of building model. It depends on process parameters: layer thickness and model position in working space of RP machine. Vacuum Casting and Low Pressure Injection are Rapid Tooling technologies. For this technology final surface roughness is a reflection of surface parameters of tools (silicon mould, silicon matrix). The paper presents results of surface roughness measurements of gear made by few RP and RT methods. The most important thing was an analysis of surface roughness made by Rapid Tooling methods. In these methods surface roughness depends on surface parameters of basis RP model. For basis RP models finishing processing was applied. This process improves parameters of the surface. This research process allowed to define the influence of chosen RP and RT method and its parameters on surface roughness of gear tooth. It permitted to order rapid prototyping methods for application of power transmission prototype making process.
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Bibliogr. 14 poz., rys.
- Rzeszów University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautic Departament of Machine Design Al. Powstańców Warszawy 8, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland, gbudzik@prz.edu.pl
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