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Analyses of the genes involved in disease development to construct disease-resistant plants by genetic engineering

Treść / Zawartość
8th International Conference on Global Research and Education – Inter-Academia 2009
Języki publikacji
Many genes responsible for the disease development were identified from transposon-tagging, micro-array, and proteomics analyses. Here, we introduce especially the genes required for the initiation of pathogenic life cycle, the suppression of otherwise induction of resistance responses, massive production of virulence factors in plant pathogenic bacteria and an unique plant gene responsible for the development of canker symptom. From these findings we came to raise some new strategies to construct disease-resistant plants by genetic engineering.
Słowa kluczowe
  • Institute for Genetic Engineering and Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University, 836 Ohya, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka city, Japan #422-8659.,
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