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Comparison of emissions from CI engine fuelled with diesel fuel (DF) and rape oil methyl ester (RME) in function of load was carried out. The results in general are similar for both fuels. In order to reduce emission, a novel concept of fuelling was developed. According to this concept, ethanol is injected to the inlet port during the inlet stroke to support burning of the main fuel. Experiment was carried out with the use of one-cylinder direct injection diesel engine adapted for ethanol injection. Investigations were performed at two constant loads, for which the ratios of ethanol and base fuel were changed: high and Iow, at each load engine was run at three speeds for three injection timings. Results of investigation showed considerable decrease of CO2 emission and smoke level for all operating conditions of the engine load - at high load - also CO and H C emissions, while allow load - NO x, emission. Optimum ratio of ethanol energy to both fuels energy on account of emission decrease was found to be about 20 for D F and 25 percent for RME.
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Bibliogr. 8 poz., rys.
- Technical University of Radom, Radom, Poland Al. Chrobrego 45, 26-600 Radom, Poland tel. (48) 3617653, fax. (48) 3617644, andrzej. kowalewicz @pr.
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