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Free radicals in chemistry, biology and medicine: contribution of radiation chemistry

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Proceedings of the Jubilee Symposium for the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute of Nuclear Research "Atomic Science in the XXI Century" June 16, 2005, Warsaw, Poland
Języki publikacji
The scope of this article is limited to the concept of free radical and its historical background and a brief introduction to time-resolved techniques (pulse radiolysis, laser flash photolysis), which allowed direct observation of free radicals on real time. The selected contributions of pulse radiolysis to better understanding the role of free radical reactions in chemistry, biology and medicine are presented and some selected future research needs and opportunities in radiation chemistry are briefly addressed.
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Bibliogr. 101 poz., rys.
  • Department of Radiation Chemistry and Technology, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 16 Dorodna Str., 03-195 Warsaw, Poland, Tel.: +48 22-504 1336, Fax: +48 22-8111532,
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