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Problems in geoecological approach to high-mountain environment (based on studies of relief : vegetation relationships)

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The paper discusses the issues associated with the geoecological rendition of high mountains, taking as a basis the authors’ studies of interrelations between relief and vegetation. The fundamental prerequisites for these studies are presented, with emphasis on the fact that the relation between the two elements is indirect and takes place via the intermediary of the habitat. With respect to the scales, both spatial and temporal, applied in the study of landscape, it is established that the majority of relations between vegetation and relief is analysed on the micro-scale, and much less frequently on the meso-scale. Application of areal methods in respective studies provides the possibility of determining the measure of relation between the elements considered. The linear methods (like, e.g., the catena method) allow for grasping the gradient differentiation of the spatial patterns on high mountain slopes. It was established that the main source of problems with landscape representation of high mountains is the mosaic character of the landscape structure. Due to this, even though the interrelations between the elements of the environment – including relief and vegetation – are distinctly visible, they have not been made precise enough with the mathematically defined dependencies, which make development of models of structure and functioning of high mountain slopes more difficult.
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