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Southern part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet terminated in large lobes projecting tens of kilometres beyond the main ice sheet margin. One of the main ice lobe was the Odra lobe localized in NE Germany and NW Poland. In this study concise description of current morphology of the Odra lobe area is given with special reference to subglacial hydraulic conditions during the ice sheet advance. Subglacial conditions were simulated by using time-dependant three-dimensional numerical model, and obtained results were compared to geological observations. The results show entire groundwater system alternation that affected the ice/bed coupling and influenced formation of specific subglacial landforms. Coupling the simulation results with empirical estimates of basal melting rate suggests that only a small fraction of basal meltwater could have drained to the ice forefield as groundwater. Adverse slope of the low-permeable ice bed hampered water drainage, and led to water accumulation at the ice/bed interface that in turn facilitated basal sliding and bed deformation.
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