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Regionalna wymowa procesów antropogenizacji regionu środkowej Obry na podstawie badań osadów jeziora Wonieść

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The study was aimed at anthropogenization processes of the Kościan Plain. They are noticeable in local palynological diagrams (eg. at the archaeological site in Bruszczewo) as well as on settlement maps of the Polish Archaeological Record Project. The goal was to determine whether the processes were perceptible also in a regional scale, in deposits of the biggest water body in the examined area, located 15 km to the east from Bruszczewo. Anthropogenic participation in changes of plant cover is clearly visible in the local diagram from Bruszczewo. While compared with the mentioned, anthropogenic influence in deposits of Wonieść Lake is rather inconspicuous. In the Neolithic and Early Bronze Periods, percentage of herbaceous plants (amount of grasses and herbs) maintained the level of 10%. Increase in NAP is marked not earlier than in the Roman Iron Age, and then from the Early Middle Ages until the present time (Dörfler, to be published soon). Comparison of palynological results to sedimentological analyses indicates that periods of increased values of CerealiaandPlantago lanceolataindices are correlated with inflow of mineral material to lacustrine water body. Larger fractions were observed there i.e. fine- and medium-grained sands, and even gravels as well as organic matter. In the geochemical record for the same periods, an increased percentage of trace elements can be visible (however their distinctive escalation is manifested not earlier than in the Middle Ages). These changes are accompanied by intensified eutrophication index (phosphorus percentage) as well as by occurrence of diatoms, which prefer eutrophic conditions.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 16 poz., rys.
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