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Acoustic emission as friction force indicator after test stands experiments

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This paper describes the use of acoustic emission measurement as an indicator of friction force into hydrodynamic journal bearings. The parameters load, speed, friction force, oil-temperature as well as the displacement of the sleeve are mainly measured in mutual dependence in journal plain bearing test stands. The friction force can not be measured directly, it must be calculated from the reaction force of the sleeve. Many different constructions are in use with the aim to load the bearing with a minimized influence of friction force measurement. Because of the huge influence to the friction force it is desirable to have parameters that are corresponding with it and are independent of the bearing load. We investigate the applicability of the acoustic emission analysis to indicate the friction force at an existing plain bearing test stand. The adoption of the acoustic emission measurement system (the diversion of the waves from the sleeve, the wave propagation through the AE transducer, the measurement chain and the damping of the mechanical and electrical disturbance) onto the test stand is described.
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