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Evaluation of the correctness of performance of typical vehicle drive manoeuvres vs. steering effort

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The paper concerns the modelling of lateral dynamics of vehicle movement. Two concepts related to vehicle steering were presented and compared with each other in this paper. One of them was related to the idea of a curvilinear motion assistance system, which might be used for automatic vehicle driving or for the correction of driver's actions. It aimed at the optimization of the steering wheel input in terms of the correctness of performance of typical manoeuvres. The other one was related to the realization of steering assistance. It concerned the evaluation of steering control guality by determination of the steering effort value. For the analysis of the correctness of typical manoeuvres performance, a double lane-change manoeuvre was chosen. To evaluate the correct performance of the manoeuvre an objective function was adopted and presented in the paper. A computer simulation oftwo examples of the typical double lane-change manoeuvre was carried out. The first example concerned an avoidance of an obstacle having suddenly sprung up and the second one concerned an avoidance of an obstacle without the element of surprise. Some examples of computer simulation results were presented and discussed in the paper.
  • Cracow University of Technology Institute of Automobiles and lnternal Combustion Engines Jana Pawła II 37, PL-31864, Cracow, Poland tel: +48 12 6283530, fax: +48 12 6481344,
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