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The basis of basic research consists in the influence monitoring of unconventional (extremely low temperatures) charging intercooling on the selected ecological and economical parameters of a turbocharged internal combustion engine in the specific operational conditions (periodic starts and stops). The paper deals with the influence of the mentioned temperatures from the point of view of the harmful gaseous emissions production withfocus on NOx. The theoretical analysis, consequential mathematical modelling (in Fluent) of the utilizing of the extremely low temperatures of charging after the intercooler in the range from 30°C to near above zero temperatures of the turbocharged engine should define the changes trends in its power parameters and exhaust gas emissions production mostly NOx. At the same time it should consider the influence of the extremely low temperatures of charging on the engine inner corrosion at the periodic engine starts and stops. The mathematical model should allow alternatively solving possible risks resulting from the proposal newness and originality. From the proposal it is expected to obtain more effective energy utilization, the decrease of the environment ecological load compared with the standard solution and the possibility of creation of the permanent sustainable energetic system. The possibilities of the design solution for the system of extremely low temperatures of air fuel mixture are also presented in the paper.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 10 poz., rys.
- University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Automotive Technology Univerzitnd 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia tel: +421 41 513 2653, fax: +421 41 5253016,
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