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Numerical analysis of fluid flow in a syringe - test tube

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Numerical research in the field of collaboration of basic components and entire constructional solutions is much cheaper than managing a goods production and testing them in actual conditions. Numerical research allows determining essential modifications of a product being prepared from the functional, utilitarian and technological point of view. Considering the problem to be solved, the blood flows through the area limited by the sides of apiston, syringe and needle were analyzed. Pressure arises after the initiation of the piston's move and the blood flows as a result of the difference in pressures. The blood flows from the areas with higher pressure to the ones with lower pressure. The numerical research focused on analysis of the boundary conditions influence on the arrangement of the velocity and blood pressure in a syringe. In order to calculate the blond flow through a syringe the researchers used a model that allows the flow of adhesive fluids - substances with internal friction. Navier-Stokes' equations were used to describe adhesive fluids move mathematically. These equations allowed describing non-stationary flow of incompressible fluids, i.e. including no volumetric changes, however, including figural changes. In last analyzed case, i.e. with flow orifice, fluids dam up in front ofthe orifice and thenflow into the next chamberjust after the orifice. The fluids flow to the chamber as apiled up stream. Then, the fluids hit internal bend sides and rotate again in front of the needle orifice entry. Considering fluids parameters, vorticity process improves fluid mixing process.
Słowa kluczowe
  • Military University of Technology Department for Mechanics and Applied Computer Science Gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego Street 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland tel: +48 22 6839683, fax: +48 22 6839355,
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  • [5] Hallquist, J.O., LS-Dyna. Theoretical Manual, California Livermore Software Technology Corporation, 2005.
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