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Estimation of operational potential consumption on base of exploitation parameters values

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The using processes are carried out on a machine during its exploitation phase. It decreases an operational potential value. Because of this it is necessary to carry out the maintenance processes. When the maintenance processes are executed as an exchange of elements, not exploited operational potential increases the costs of the exploitation process of a machine. In case of real industrial objects there is defined value of availability, which should be kept. Then the highest value of the exploited operational potential assures an implementation of a maintenance strategy according to the machine operational condition. In the paper, the idea of an implementation of the mentioned above strategy is presented. The implementation is based on measured values of the exploitation parameters. An estimation of an operational potential consumption and a fuzzy estimation of the exploitation potential consumption are an object of the paper. Implementation of the fuzzy logic theory could be good solution of the problems, which can be meet during the estimation process of the operational potential consumption on base of the exploitation parameters course of the machine.
  • Radom University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Thermal Technology, 26-600 Radom, ul. Krasickiego 54, Poland tel.: +48 48 361 71 49,
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