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Virtual DSC-MRI brain research - part 2: model sequence of MRI scans and possibilities of modifications
Języki publikacji
Utworzone w pierwszej części artykułu modelowe krzywe stężenia znacznika wykorzystano do stworzenia wirtualnego badania mózgu metodą DSC-MRI. Pokazano również modyfikacje badania polegające na wprowadzeniu do przekroju mózgu przykładów symulowanych patologii i szumu. Utworzony model może zostać wykorzystany do porównania różnych podejść do obliczania parametrów perfuzji, a w szczególności czułości poszczególnych metod na zmiany charakterystyczne dla różnych chorób.
The paper proposes the virtual DSC-MRI research of the brain. The curves corresponding to perfusion of different brain regions (Fig. 1) in a suitable arrangement (consistent with human anatomy) form a model of the research (Fig. 3). In the created model one knows in advance the values of the complex perfusion parameters and basic perfusion descriptors. Model study can be disturbed in a controlled manner - not only by adding noise of the assumed level and characteristics only to the DSC-MRI signals, but also determining location of disturbances. With the introduction of only noise to DSC-MRI signals, which is the classic approach proposed in the literature, it is impossible to evaluate methods for determining the perfusion parameters in presence of certain types of disturbances, especially those characteristic for the image data. The described model of the research allows avoiding this problem and helps to assess different approaches to the calculation of perfusion parameters reliably, objectively and taking into account differences in the perfusion of different brain areas. The model allows inserting the disturbed signals, characteristic for certain pathologies, to the sequence (Fig. 5). In that case the criterion for evaluating the approach to determine the perfusion parameters is to verify the threshold (defined for example as the diameter of introduced pathology) of detecting perfusion abnormalities in the presence of different types and levels of disturbances.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 22 poz., rys., rys., wykr
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