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Hybrydowy system równoczesnego pomiaru rozkładu temperatury oraz przemieszczeń obiektów inżynierskich

Treść / Zawartość
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A hybrid system for simultaneous measurements of temperature and displacement distributions of engineering objects
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono hybrydową eksperymentalno-numeryczną technikę przeznaczoną do pomiaru oraz monitorowania struktur inżynierskich. Technika bazuje na innowacyjnym połączeniu termowizji z metodą cyfrowej korelacji obrazu w wersjach 2D i 3D. Zaprezentowany system umożliwia jednoczesny pomiar i monitorowanie zmian obciążenia termicznego (rozkładu temperatur) oraz przemieszczeń w płaszczyźnie badanego obiektu w całym polu widzenia czujnika (do 2,5 m x 2,5 m). Przedstawiono zastosowania systemu na przykładzie monitorowania zmian pól przemieszczeń u(x,y) i v(x,y) i temperatury T(x,y) na powierzchni modelowej próbki (płyty z karbem) oraz w trakcie badań nowych materiałów izolacyjnych stosowanych w budownictwie.
The techniques used for displacement/strain measurements and defect detection in civil engineering structures are based on a variety of physical phenomena, among which mechanical, optical, electrical and ultrasound methods prevail. Each of these methods has its unique properties. In the case of complex structures and structures exposed to a variety of environmental conditions the information gained from a combination of methods provides the best results. The most required measurands during structural health monitoring are in-plane and out-plane displacements which are directly related to strains. The best fitted method in this case is the digital image correlation method which may be used for global and local health monitoring of different structures. Also in many cases passive and active thermography is used for identification of thermal load distribution as well as assessing and monitoring the health of engineering structures, however the results are often difficult for quantitative interpretation. In the paper we focus on a novel concept of the hybrid experimental-numerical method for measurement and monitoring of engineering structures. The technique is based on an innovative combination of thermovision with 2D and 3D digital image correlation methods. The system presented enables simultaneous measurement and monitoring of thermal load (temperature distribution) and in-plane displacements of an object in a full-field of view (up to 2,5 m x 2,5 m). The system functionality was demonstrated on an example of monitoring the displacement fields u(x,y) and v(x,y) as well as the temperature T(x,y) on the surface of a model sample with a notch and during investigations of novel insulating materials used in building engineering.
Opis fizyczny
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