Warianty tytułu
Influence of low temperatures on asynchro-nous serial data transmission in measurement systems with ATmega16A microcontroller
Języki publikacji
W pracy opisano problem cieplnych zmian szybkości asynchronicznej transmisji szeregowej, prowadzonej między blokami systemu pomiarowego. Omówiono komunikację kontrolera systemu z układem ATmega16A w bloku akwizycji danych. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań oscylatora RC mikrokontrolera ATmega16A dla temperatur zmniejszanych do 77K. Obliczono błędy szybkości transmisji asynchronicznej na poziomie TTL w systemach pomiarowych z układem ATmega16A, pracujących w zakresie niskich temperatur.
The paper presents a problem of the asynchronous serial transmission between the blocks of a measurement system that works in differenttemperature ranges. In such conditions the receiver operational range is dependent on the mismatch between the received bit rate and the internally generated baud rate. There is discussed communication of a system controller with an ATmega16A device within the data acquisition path. In the paper the results of clock signal frequency tests conducted for a calibrated internal RC oscillator of the ATmega16A microcontroller at low temperatures with the lowest point at 77K, are also presented. There are shown the low-temperature characteristics of changes of the oscillator frequency for the rated initial values of 1MHz and 8MHz. There are also considered the conditions of effective asynchronous data transmission when a USART module of the ATmega16A microcontroller is used, because the accuracy of the USART internal baud rate clock depends on the temperature drift of the internal RC oscillator and the length of USART baud rate registers. There are calculated the baud rate error characteristics and the achieved results are compared with the total error and the recommended receiver error defined for the ATmega16A USART module. The author formulates conclusions concerning the clocking and the TTL asynchronous operational range of the ATmega16A microcontroller USART module of measurement systems working at low temperatures.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 7 poz., rys., wzory
- Politechnika Poznańska, Wydział Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji, ul. Polanka 3, 60-965 Poznań,
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Typ dokumentu
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