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Obciążenia zmęczeniowe jako odwrotne zagadnienie dynamiki belki ogonowej śmigłowca
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The paper presents a brief report related to the experimental research done under substantial financial support from the side KBN (National Scientific Research Council, Poland) in the Structural and Component Test Laboratory of the Aviation Institute in Warsav, Poland. The tail beam of the "Sokol" helicopter was under experimental investigation going to work out a method enabling to determine such external loads (assuming to impose them by three hydraulic actuators) which caused in the tail beam structure at five given cross sections a priori given loads being a combination of bending and twisting moments of the prescribed magnitude. These in turn were selected in test flights by a Polish helicopter factory research project managed prior to the investigation. It was earlier established that such elastic structure as a helicopter tail hardly enables to involve experimental fatigue loads due to a serious threat of a domage done before the fatigue life is asessed. Such a demand gradually led to the precise formulation of the problem which afterwards has been successfully solyed fulfilling practically accepted accuracy requirements. The paper presents the main idea of the optimization procedure which became the main part of the research worked out in a due course and particularities of the numerical calculations belonging to the research documenting the efficiency of the proposed method.
Opracowano eksperymentalną metodę wyznaczania za pomocą obciążeń zewnętrznych zadanego stanu obciążeń w strukturze belki ogonowej śmigłowca.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 12 poz., rys., wykr., wzory
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