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In the paper, investigations on the dynamic properties of air gauges are presented. The measurement of the amplitudes of back-pressure pk, dependent on the input signal angular frequency ω for the group of air gauges with various parameters has been performed. To evaluate the influence of the measuring chamber volume on the dynamical properties, a set of the model chambers with different dimensions has been prepared. The obtained results underwent a repeatability test in order to evaluate the uncertainty of time constant determination. Additionally, the impact of the feeding pipe was examined. Examinations of the time constant of typical back-pressure air gauge led to the conclusion that it depends also on the actual pressure and that it may differ between the beginning and the end of the measuring range.
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Bibliogr. 14 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
- Poznan University of Technology, Division of Metrology and Measurement System, Institute of Mechanical Technology, Piotrowo 3, 60-965 Poznań, Poland, miroslaw.rucki@put.poznan.pl
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