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Estimation of coda and shear wave attenuation in the volcanic area in SE Sabalan Mountain NW Iran

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The quality factors of coda and shear waves have been estimated for the SE Sabalan Mountain, geothermal region in northwestern Iran. We have analyzed 65 local earthquakes with magnitude of 2.8 to 6.1 and 2.8 to 5 for shear and coda wave quality factor estimation, respectively. These events were recorded on five stations installed by Building and Housing Research Center Network. Coda normalization and Spectral decay methods have been used to estimate the frequency dependence attenuation relation for shear wave, and single back-scattering method for coda waves. We have observed that the coda normalization method has supplied significantly higher QS values as compared to the spectral method. The results show that, in general, Q values are significantly smaller for the entire frequency range as compared to tectonically active areas and are close to the values for volcanic areas.
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Bibliogr. 45 poz.
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