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Żwiry z odkrywki Koźmin południe KWB Adamów S.A. w świetle badań litostratygraficznych i petrograficznych

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The gravels from Koźmin south KWB Adamów SA in litostratigrophical and petrological research
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono paleogeńskie żwiry z odkrywki Koźmin Południe KWB Adamów S.A., które mogą być traktowane jako kopalina towarzysząca eksploatacji węgla brunatnego. Niemniej jednak w tej pracy nie zostały omówione możliwe kierunki utylizacji, a skoncentrowano się na ich charakterystyce litos traty graficznej i petrograficznej. Ze względu na swoją unikatowość w skali całego Niżu Polskiego zostały one wyróżnione jako tzw. żwiry z Koźmina. Natomiast Sudety uznano wstępnie za ich najbardziej prawdopodobny obszar alimentacyjny.
The gravels, forming the basal layer in the northernmost and axial part of the Adamów Graben, were discovered in the Koźmin South lignite open-cast in the vicinity of Turek in 2004. These deposits should be determined as gravelly sands because they contain more than 75% of sands, ca. ISVo of gravels and less than 5% of muds. In fact, the above-mentioned gravel grains belong mainly to the pebbles and sporadically to the cobbles. Among the gravels from the Koźmin South lignite open-cast two various mainly angular and rounded rock groups may be indicated. The angular grains consist of local Miocene sandstones and Cretaceous marls and/or gaizes. On the other hand, the rounded grains are represented by flints with lidytes and primarily by quartzes. Additionally, the quartz pebbles can be divided into six groups, i.e.: white, milky-white, honey-yellow, pink, grayish-blue and gray in colour They are disc-shaped as well as very well-rounded. Moreover, their surface quite often is excellently smoothed. Such extraordinary coarse gravels, diversifying in size and shape as well as in petrographical composition, are not known within Paleogene and Neogene deposits in the whole Polish Lowlands. That is the reason why, they are named the Koźmin Gravels. On the basis of all information they are regarded as the Paleogene residually-marine beach sediments, which were redeposited into the Neogene fluvial sands. Finally, the Koźmin Gravels were probably supplied from the Sudetes rocks.
Opis fizyczny
bibliogr. 10 poz.
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