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Influence of loading type on the shape of fatigue lifetime curve

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The paper is devoted to an experimental examination of the influence of loading type on the shape of fatigue lifetime curve of the high-carbon-chromium bearing steel (100Cr6). The push-pull and rotating bending loading tests (R=-1) were used with the aim to obtain experimental data in the region from [...] cycles to [...] cycles. The shape of fatigue lifetime curve of 100Cr6 bearing steel depends on the loading type. The S-N curve obtained using rotating bending consists of two parts corresponding to surface and subsurface fatigue crack initiation, resulting in a stepwise S-N curve. In this case, the typical stepwise S-N relationship clearly indicates that the mechanism of fatigue crack initiation transfers from the surface to subsurface with decreasing the applied stress level. On the other hand, the S-N curves obtained at push-pull loading revealed a continuous downward slope without any indication for a plateau region and subsurface fatigue crack initiation occurs in the whole range of amplitudes. This fact has to be taken in consideration while selecting a structural material.
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Bibliogr. 28 poz., rys., wykr.
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