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Destruction mechanics: self-destruction

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Fracture meehanics studies the cracking of a material while destruction is the fraeturing/separation of a material into smali debris by very many cracks. In the latter case, a fraeture front or wave separates the intact material from that destructed into smali particles. As distinct from fracture mechanies, destruction mechanies does not concern about how and where each crack grows. Its main interest is to study the location and motion of the fracture front. The present paper is a brief presentation of destruction mechanics and, especially, self-destruction, or selfsustaining fracture in former terminology, as its most interesting subject. Destruction in this approach is treated like a specific phase transition of an intact material into a destructed one. The general condition of destruction is formulated in terms of energy. Some problems of destruction mechanies are briefly reviewed, including quasistatie problems of local destruction in stress concentration zones, stability and instability of destruction process, flame drilling, a theory of Tungus meteorite destruction, and dynamic problems such as the problems of underground explosion, collision of brttle bodies, and propagation of a plane fracture wave from a free boundary. The dynamic, explosive growth of the destruction zone occurring by itself, uncontrollably, is called the selfdestruction. Self- destruction starts from a small change in the boundary or loading playing the part of a trigger initiating a fracture wave that propagates at the speed of sound and destructs all material being at the metastable, overstressed condition. The destruction of Batavian tears is a well-known example of self-destruction. Coal bursts and rock bursts as self-destruction phenomena in deep rnines have been known for a long time. Some old but forgotten experiments on explosive self-destruction of glass specimens are described in the paper, as well as some calculations of fraeture waves and an estimate of the size of destructed particles.
  • Honorary Life Member of the New York Academy of Science 6413 S. W. 113 Ave. Miami, PL 33173 USA,
  • Cherepanov G.P. (1979): Mechanics of Brittle Fracture. - New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Cherepanov G.P. (1997): Methods of Fracture Mechanics: Solid Matter Physics. - Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publisher.
  • Cherepanov G.P. (2005): September 11 and Fracture Mechanics. - Int. J. of Fracture, vol.132, No.2, L25-L26.
  • Cherepanov G.P. and Esparragoza I.E. (2005): Destruction mechanics: Self-destruction. - Proceedings 11th International Conference of Fracture 20-24 March 2005, Turin, Italy.
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