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The present work is an extension of Morino's panel method for the calculation of wave-making resistance of ships with special reference to sinkage and trim. The body boundary is linearized about the undisturbed position of the body and the free surface is linearized about the mean water level by the systematic method of perturbation. The surfaces are discretized into flat quadrilateral elements and the influence coefficients are calculated by Morino's analytical formula. Dawson's upstream finite difference operator is used in order to satisfy the radiation condition. The sinkage and trim of a ship are computed by equating the vertical force and pitching moment to the hydrostatic restoring force and moment. The present method has been applied to the Series 60 hull for different Froude numbers and is found to be efficient for evaluating the flow field, wave pattern and wave-making resistance in deep water.
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Bibliogr. 17 poz., wykr.
- Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka-1000, BANGLADESH, shahjada68@yahoo.com
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