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Third International Conference on Engineering Rheology, ICER 2005
Języki publikacji
The results of experimental studies on the distribution of shear rate on the vertical wall agitated vessel, equipped with four various impellers, have been presented. The experimental studies were carried out for two model polymer solutions, carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt (Na-CMC) and guar gum. The experimental results of the local shear rate distribution in non-Newtonian liquid agitated by different impellers, have been presented. It has been established that for studies on hydrodynamics in boundary layer and evaluation of local values of shear rate in Na-CMC and guar gum aqueous solutions by the electrochemical method the following solution of 0.005 [kmol/m3] K3[Fe(CN)6], 0.005 [kmol/m3] K4[Fe(CN)6] and 0.3 [kmol/m3] K2SO4 can be recommended. The greatest values of shear rate have been obtained for Rushton turbine whereas the lowest values occurred for paddle with 6 pitched blade of the angles of 135°.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 8 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
- Division of Chemical Engineering and Equipment, Faculty of Chemical Technology Poznań University of Technology, PL 60-965 Poznań, POLAND
- Division of Chemical Engineering and Equipment, Faculty of Chemical Technology Poznań University of Technology, PL 60-965 Poznań, POLAND
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