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Third International Tribology Conference ITC 2004
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This work presents the extension of the elastic-plastic contact model to provide theoretical means of estimating the wear due to the mechanical interaction of rough surfaces. In this regard the ultimate-stress asperity concept is introduced. The introduction of ultimate-stress asperity concept leads to the theoretical treatment of wear due to mechanical interaction of asperities. The ultimate-stress asperity concept is introduced to define the level of interference beyond which failure is expected. Two mathematical formulations are presented to provide theoretical estimates of the wear volume. In the first approach it is assumed that a portion of the interference volume is separated from the asperity while in the second approach the entire asperity peak above a certain plane parallel to the mean plane is assumed to be separated from the asperity. Inclusions of the material wear in the calculations of normal and tangential contact forces indicates that elastic and plastic effects play nearly equal roles. It is shown that the wear volume increases by increasing the normal and tangential loads.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 19 poz., wykr.
- Sultan Qaboos University, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department P.O. Box 33, 123 Al Khoud, OMAN
- Sultan Qaboos University, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department P.O. Box 33, 123 Al Khoud, OMAN
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