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Refining the granite, gneiss and schist interrelationships within the Lusatian-Izera Massif, West Sudetes, using SHRIMP U-Pb zircon analyses and new geologic data

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The eastern part of the Lusatian-Izera Massif, West Sudetes, comprises different types of gneissose rocks, collectively known as the Izera gneisses, with a subordinate component of petrographically varied mica schists. Coarse-grained gneisses and their protoliths have been dated at 515-480 Ma, but the lack of age data for other rocks has impeded accounts of their mutual relationships and, thus, the region's geological evolution. This paper reports new sensitive high-mass resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb zircon data, and some new field and petrographic observations, for three representative rock types: 1) the Złotniki schist (a fine-grained quartz-albite-chlorite-sericite-biotite schist); 2) a fine-grained gneiss that grades to 'porphyroblastic' granite and which occurs on the slopes of Mt. Stóg Izerski; 3) a leucogranite found just the south of the village of Kotlina. A volcanogenic intercalation in the Złotniki Lubańskie schists developed at 560 Ma and contained xenocrystic zircons that grew in the source at 620 Ma and 600-580 Ma. The schists are interpreted as the metamorphosed equivalent of the Lusatian greywackes, which were derived from a dissected arc and deposited in a convergent-margin basin along northern peri-Gondwana. The zircons from the fine-grained gneisses yielded four age groups: 515 +- 7 Ma, 500 +- 12 Ma, 487 +- 13 Ma and 471 +- 8 Ma. Similar age groups of zircons can also be found in the coarse-grained metagranites. Rifting of Gondwana during the mid-Cambrian-early Ordovician was a protracted thermal event lasting ~30-45 m.y., with episodic attenuation of the mainland crust every ~5-10 m.y. before continental fragments finally became separated. Each episode successively promoted an increased heat flux from the mantle that facilitated melting of the crust, causing metamorphism and fusion of the Precambrian Lusatian-Izera basement and a final phase of S-type felsic magmatism. The leucogranite sample yielded zircons in two age groups, 508 +-5 Ma and 483.1 +- 3.6 Ma, with low Th/U ratios, which is interpreted as a product of an anatectic melting at deeper crustal levels. These leucogranites are in close spatial relation with belts of mica schist, which could mean that these granites used some rheologically weak zones that were introduced into the Izera pluton where large fragments of country rocks were trapped within the ~500 Ma granites.
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