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Zastosowanie płuczki piasku typu AGW-12 na części mechanicznej oczyszczalni ścieków JAMNO

Treść / Zawartość
Warianty tytułu
Application of grit washer AGW-12 on mechanical part of JAMNO wastewater treatment plant
Języki publikacji
Sewage treatment plant is the aggregate of technological devices which carries out the sewages cleaning process according to the requirements which should be fulfilled.The activity of Sewage treatment plant is pro-ecological - radically reduces the pollution load accompanied to the receiver. The wastes are forming during the sewages cleaning process which should be managed according to the valid law. The actions what resulted from the test of the use of the AGW-12 type on the mechanical part of sewage treatment plant JAMNO is presented in the article. There were described the reasons and the aim of the device using technical test. There wereshortly introduced the girt washer building and the rules of operation. In the article the exploitation problems of girt washer co-operating with gird pumps were showed. There were showed the comparative analysis of the energy demand of the girt washer AGW-12 and existing TAL-NIVE U-220 6,5m. The article described also the economical and technical effects that gives the AGW-12 and the influence of gird washer on generation of the volatile fatty acids. There were also introduced the necessity of taking the additional investment - building the water-pipe system that will deliver the drainage waters to rinsing the sand.
Opis fizyczny
bibliogr. 3 poz.
  • Miejskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja Sp. z o.o., Koszalin
  • 1. AGW-12 - Dokumentacja Techniczno – Ruchowa. LACKEBY SWEDEN. 2007.
  • 2. Czeczotka T., Gołuchowski W., Kozak M., Kozłowski M., Morawski A., Zalewski M.J.: Analiza ekonomiczna zastosowania płuczki piasku typu AGW-12 prod. Firmy Lackeby na Oczyszczalni Ścieków JAMNO. MWiK Sp. z O.O. w Koszalinie, Koszalin, 2007.
  • 3. Kamiński J., Kozak M.: Nowe technologie w Oczyszczalni Ścieków JAMNO – test szwedzkiej płuczki piasku typu AGW-12. Wodnik Koszaliński Nr 15/2007.
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA
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