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Late holocene water-level changes in lake iso lehmalampi, southern finland, reflected in subfossil cladocerans and chironomids

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Analyses of subfossil cladocerans (Crustacea: Cladocera) and chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) were applied to examine water-level changes in a small and oligotrophic lake in southern Finland over the past 2000 years. Major changes in the invertebrate communities occurred ca. 400 AD onwards when the littoral cladoceran Alonella nana started to replace the planktonic Eubosmina as the dominant species and chironomids Psectrocladius sordidellus group and Zalutschia zalutschicola increased. These changes were most likely due to a decreasing water level and an enlarging proportion of the littoral area, providing suitable vegetative habitats, e.g. aquatic bryophytes (mosses), for these taxa. The lowering water level reached its minimum just before the Medieval Warm Period, ca. 800-1000 AD, after which the lake level rose again and remained high until modern times. A prominent change in the chironomid assemblages occurred during the 20th century when Ablabesmyia monilis and Chironomus anthracinus type increased, presumably due to changes in water chemistry, caused by anthropogenic load of pollutants.
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