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Fennoscandian erratics in glacial deposits of the Polish lowland - methodic aspects

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There are erratic boulders drifted with the last continental ice sheet in the glacial deposits of the Polish Lowland. Their outcrops are situated in the Baltic Shield area as well as to the south of it, in the central and southern Baltic Sea bottom. Indicator erratics, statistical erratics and the others are distinguished in coarse-gravels association. The research into the identification of the indicator erratics are designed for the specification of the Scandinavian and Baltic alimentation centres of different age glacial tills and their fluvioglacial counterparts; they are also aimed at determining the direction of the distant transport as well as the ice-sheet and its streams transgression route to the deposition places. Effectiveness of the analysis depends to a large extent on the erratic correct classification and this ability happens in turn to be burdened with a subjective evaluation of the clearly visible features of an erratic. In the text attention will be paid to the advantages and disadvantages of the analysis on the indicator boulders of the glacial deposits.
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Bibliogr. 43 poz.
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