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Late glacial and holocene stratotype profile of palaeosols in the Warsaw basin

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Palaeosols from the Warsaw Basin developed from eolian sands and aqueous deposits are distinguished as pedostratigraphic units of the Quaternary. They were typologically determined as type soils for the study area based on the succession of genetic-diagnostic horizons for the particular soil types. Two partial profiles were analysed - in Cieciwa and in Wi1zowna Piekie3ko, which were later considered as a composite stratotype of palaeosols in the Warsaw Basin. Both partial profiles allow recognising old aqueous processes and slightly younger eolian processes characteristic for the Oldest, Older and Younger Dryas Phase, as well as the pedogenetic processes taking place during warming stages in the terminal Late Vistulian and Holocene. Based on the analyses, five palaeosol horizons were distinguished within the Warsaw Basin. The oldest ones are represented by humus-gley soils developed from Pleistocene agueous deposits of the Epe Interphase and the initial soil from the Bölling Interphase developed from aeolian sands of the Oldest Dryas Phase. The third soil is represented by a poorly developed podzolized soil from the Alleröd developed from sands of the Older Dryas. Sands of the Younger Dryas were capped in the Holocene by a rusty soil from the Boreal Phase, which was recognised in both profiles. From the same sands undergoing continuous blowing out, or as a continuation of the rusty soil, a ferruginous podzol or ferruginous-humus podzol developed during the Atlantic Interphase. In depressions the podzol is in some cases capped by a thin peat. The stratotype profile is distinguished as a reference profile and the base for comparison with analogous horizons in Central Poland.
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Bibliogr.. 29 poz.
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