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Apiaceae - contribution to the flora history in light of Pollen analysis with a special reference to the Holocene site at Błędowo (Central Poland)

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Pollen grains of Apiaceae from the profile at Błędowo, Mazovia region, Central Poland were identified. Pollen of this family occurs in higher frequencies in the Late Glacial, the beginning of the Holocene and in the periods under strong human influence. Transfer of pollen of Apiaceae from plants to lake deposits is different for particular species and depends rather on insect activity during the season as well as on the activity of their predators and/or the oscillation of animal populations than the selectivity in insect feeding. Different environmental conditions around the sites, which result in various patterns of transfer agents can cause some difficulties in interpretation of vegetational changes inferred from pollen data.
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Bibliogr. 70 poz.
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