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Subfossil chydorid taxa and assemblages from lake sediments in Poland and Finland with special reference to climate

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In this study we compared chydorid cladoceran (Chydoridae) taxa and assemblages from sediments of 6 Polish and 6 Finnish lakes and investigated if the difference in climate of these two countries can be detected in the cladoceran data. The data were analysed in terms of 1) average relative proportions of chydorid taxa during the history of each lake and by 2) redundancy analysis (RDA) to explain the present effect of environmental variables (altitude, area, maximum depth, mean annual temperature, mean summer temperature and length of the growing season) on species abundances. The redundancy analysis (RDA) enabled us to distinguih groups of taxa 1) with a high thermal preference 2) associated with small, cold-water lakes and 3) associated with shallow lakes. There are clear differences in the dominant chydorid taxa and in the relative proportions of many other chydorid taxa between the two countries since the end of the last glaciation. Although these differences first of all appear to reflect the climatic difference, the influence of many other environmental factors, controlling the living conditions of particular chydorids have been raised and considered. Further studies with larger data are needed before the role of climate can be reliably separated from other elements of environment.
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Bibliogr. 46 poz.
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  • Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Twarda 51/55, Warsaw, Poland
  • Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Twarda 51/55, Warsaw, Poland
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