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Late Pleistocene loess-paleosol and vegetation successions at tarnawce (san river valley, carpathian foothills, Poland)

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The Tarnawce 1 profile, which occurs in the marginal eastern part of the Polish Western Carpathians, contains loesses representing three last glacial cycles. In this paper we report the results of pollen analysis of the Eemian -Early Glacial pedocomplex and of the Lower pleni-Vistulian loesses with an interstadial paleosol. The pollen spectra of 22 samples were determined. The pollen diagram was divided into 7 local pollen assemblage zones (L PAZ). Interglacial climatic optimum was recorded with the Eemian type of vegetation in the T-4 zone. The coldest conditions occurred during the accumulation of loess, which separates the interglacial and interstadial soils.
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Bibliogr. 30 poz., rys.
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