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Selected remote sensing methods for biomass assessment in forest ecosystems as the basis for balance reporting systems
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Effects of increasing CO2 content in the atmosphere of Earth have been widely discussed for a long time and found their expression in a form of the .Kyoto Protocol.. The document shows various ways of reducing the CO2 content. Forest management is listed as one of such possibilities. Thus, the important issue arises to monitor carbon amount accumulated or released as a result of forest ecosystem management as well as to predict its changes depending on various scenarios. The importance of this problem persuaded the General Directorate of State Forests to fund a research project entitled .The Carbon balance in biomass of the major forest forming species in Poland.. The goal of the project is to elaborate and validate allometric equations and expansion factors for determining the biomass of forest stands. Methods to assess amount of carbon accumulated in forest ecosystems as well as methods of detecting changes in carbon accumulation and dynamics resulting from various ways of forest management were also to be elaborated. The first stage of the research, planned for years 2007.2010, is to be performed on about 300 sample plots representing different age classes and sites for 8 major forest tree species and 12 species of shrubs. Empirical equations and expansion factors for determining biomass of trees, shrubs, forest floor, and carbon sequestered in stands will be worked out based on direct and indirect measurements of various forest attributes. The valuable element of the project is a possibility of data integration and comparison of various research methods (satellite and airborne imagery, airborne and terrestrial laser scanning, hemispheric images). As a result of the project, also answers to the following questions are expected: What is the influence of LAI, determined with the use of various methods (hemispheric images, airborne and satellite imagery, and airborne and terrestrial laser scanning), on the accuracy of tree biomass and stand carbon balance assessment? What is the role of vegetation indices on tree biomass assessment accuracy? Does the terrestrial laser scanning significantly increase accuracy and precision, and shorten time of tree, stand and forest floor plants. measurements and their biomass assessment?
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Bibliogr. 65 poz.
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