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Oddziaływanie wyciągów roślinnych na żywotność i zdrowotność korzeni roślin strączkowych inokulowanych Pythium debaryanum (Hesse)

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Influence of plant extracts on the root healthiness and vitality of leguminous plants inoculated by Pythium debaryanum (Hesse)
Języki publikacji
Celem przeprowadzonych badań była laboratoryjna ocena wpływu wyciągów z roślin rdestowatych (Polygonaceae) na żywotność roślin oraz ich ak-tywności w stosunku do Pythium debaryanum, jednego ze sprawców zgorzeli siewek roślin strączkowych.
According to the rules of a Good Agricultural Practice a modern understandable agriculture should meet two aims: the productive and economic aim - i.e. production of good yields from a quantita-tive and qualitative point of view with a guarantee of a adequate profitability for a farmer, the ecological aim - a sustainable use of nature resources and their preserving in a dynamic and stable balance, the social aim - a fulfilling of expectations of a non-agricultural section of a population. The performing of these functions may be effective in a case of a proper or-ganization of a farm i.e. by a maintenance of plant and animal production and by a proper managing of a production. In a range of a plant production it comprises a proper managing of agrochemicals and observing of the recommendations of a Good Plant Protection Practice. The fulfilling of these rules consists in an implementation of integrated plant protection, i.e. in combination of effective, economically justified and environmentally safe methods (biological, agricultural and chemical methods) maintaining the weeds and pests number below a threshold damage. Within the confines of an biological method a harmfulness of the pests may be controlled with an use of biocides and other substances produced by bacteria , fungi and plants. The aim of this work was an impact evaluation in vivo of water, alcohol and acetone extracts, made from Polygonum bistorta, P. hydropiper, P. convolvulus, P. persicaria, P. aviculare, P. sachalinense on a root infection by Pythium debaryanum and on vitality (length and weight of shoots and roots) of Vicia faba ssp. minor, Lupinus albus, Lupinus luteus. These experiments were carried out in two dates and in 4 replications for each investigated factor, performing altogether 14400 observations for each of 5 evaluation criteria. In the experiments have shown that the extracts made from individual Poly-gonaceae plants and the extracts made according to different preparation methods have shown a differentiated root infection of V.f. minor. L. albus and L. luteus by P. debaryanumas as well as a vitality of these plants. The greatest response variability expressed by root healthiness have shown L. albus (V= 25,8 %). In a case of V.f.minor and L. luteus the variability coefficients (V) were lower and amounted 18,5 and 17,1 %. Most effective against root infection of V.f.minor were alcohol extracts from P. bistorta and P. hydropiper and an infusion from P. aviculare. In a case of L. albus such action have shown an alcohol and acetone extract from P. bistorta and the alcohol extract from P. sachalinense and in a case of L. luteus it were an alcohol and acetone extract from P. aviculare and the acetone extract from P. persicaria. When comparing the influence of the extracts on a root infection of examined leguminous plants by P. debaryanum with their influence on a vitality of these plants it was observed that the stronger was the reduction of a root infection, the better was the vitality of the Polygonaceae plants. These relationships have been shown most strongly when comparing the roots infection of L. luteus with a shoot length (r= -0,449*) and the infection of L. luteus with a root length (-0,689**). Also the influence of the extracts on particular vitality parameters of the examined plants was similar. The significantly consistent results were obtained for the following comparisons: V.f.minor - the length and root mass with the shoot length (r= 0,772**; r= 0,724**) and the shoot mass with its length (r= 0,900**). Most favourably on the vitality of this plant influenced extracts (maceration, infusion and acetone extract) from P. persicaria and alcohol extract and maceration from P. sachalinense; L. albus - the shoot length with the root length (r= 0,873**) and the shoot length with the shoot mass (r= 0,854**). The vitality of this plant was strongly stimulated by maceration and alcohol extract from P. sachalinense, macerations from P. persi-caria, alcohol and acetone extracts from P. hydropiper, as well as maceration, infu-sion and alcohol extract from P. bistorta; L. luteus - the shoot length with the root length (r= 0,452**). The best vitality have shown plants treated with maceration, infusion and alcohol extract from P. persi-caria with maceration, acetone and alcohol extract from P. convolvulus and with maceration from P. aviculare and alcohol extract from P. bistorta. Some of the extracts have shown moreover a similar influence on individual species of examined leguminous plants. For instance the water extracts (especially macera-tion) and acetone extract made from P. persicaria have stimulated a root and shoot growth of both V.f.minor and L. albus and L. luteus. Next a maceration and alcohol extract from P. sachalinense influenced positively a root growth of V.f.minor and L. albus.
Opis fizyczny
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