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Regeneracja olejów hydraulicznych metodą filtracji przez specjalistyczne materiały polimerowe

Treść / Zawartość
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Improvement in the quality of hydraulic oils by the filtration through the special polymeric materials
Języki publikacji
Trwałość i niezawodność pracy systemów hydraulicznych, jak również mechanizmów, w których one działają, w znacznej mierze zależy od jakości stosowanego oleju hydraulicznego. Występowanie w oleju wody, domieszek mechanicznych, kwasów, zanieczyszczeń biologicznych itp. powoduje przyśpieszone zużycie mechaniczne, korozję mechanizmów, zakłócenia w funkcjonowaniu systemu hydraulicznego. Powstający na skutek tego zły stan wyposażenia stwarza problemy zarówno organizacyjne, jak i finansowe, wynikające nie tylko z konieczności naprawy sprzętu, ale również ze straty czasu na usunięcie awarii, w którym nie uzyskuje się produkcji. Z drugiej strony, utylizacja i unieszkodliwianie zużytych olejów hydraulicznych stanowi poważny problem ekologiczny, z uwagi na oddziaływanie na środowisko naturalne, jak i ogromne ilości tych płynów stosowanych w różnych dziedzinach współczesnej techniki. Nawet oleje uznane za ulegające biodegradacji nierzadko stanowią poważny problem dla oczyszczalni ścieków. Dlatego regeneracja olejów hydraulicznych jest obecnie ważnym kierunkiem badań naukowych, również w spokrewnionych dziedzinach: technice maszyn hydraulicznych i ekologii stosowanej.
Longevity and reliability of the work of hydraulic mechanisms in many aspects are determined by the quality of the used hydraulic oil. The presence of water, mechanical impurities, acids and biological pollution in oil leads to the increased mechanical and corrosion wear, to the failures of the hydraulic system. At the same time recycling and neutralization of the used hydraulic oil is a serious environmental problem. This is caused both by possible environmental pollution, and with huge quantity of these liq-uids used in technology. The problem of the complex cleaning of oils can be solved most effectively by the use of porous polymeric compositions as the filtering material. Disadvantages of this material are non-uniformity of porous structure, and also infringement of the form and the sizes of a filtering element after regeneration with the subsequent drying. The new kind of a filtering material has none of those disadvantages. It is ob-tained in technology of washing away water-soluble structural additives from reactionary mass. This material is characterized by stable porous structure, possibility of obtaining the filtering elements of any forms and sizes. It gives the possibility to operate such characteristics as water absorption, size of pores, general porosity, strength, elasticity, etc. The material "APRISORB", created in this technology, not only effectively ab-sorbs water and mechanical impurities, but also continuously cleans itself from the accumulated water (Fig. 1). For determining the completeness of sifting quartz dust with the specific surface area of 5600 g/sm2 was used. Depending on the type of the filtering element a pressure differential with the nominal charge varied from 10,6 to 17,6 kPa, and the completeness of sifting from 81 to 90%. Research showed that on the border water-oil the steady colloidal structures are formed. These systems contain plenty of microorganisms and products of their activity. There were isolated 17 cultures of microorganisms, including 12 cultures of the simplest fungi and 5 cultures of bacteria. Among them are Gladosporium Resinae, Aspergillus Versicolar, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Bacillus Subtilis. Specifically, these microorganisms participate in worsening of the quality of oils. The filtration of oils polluted by microorganisms through the filter bed made of APRISORB material ensures effective cleaning at level of 99,4÷99,9%. Filters were used also for cleaning Univis N32 hydraulic oil used in the loading technology of the St. Petersburg trade port. Per cycle of cleaning the water content in oil was reduced from 150 to 20 ppm, and the oil class of cleanliness changed from 15 to 10 (ISO 4406). Tendency toward the formation of steadfast emulsions is one of the special features of the hydraulic oils, which contain the thickening additives. The filtering material APRISORB actively destroys such emulsions. Fig. 2 presents the photographs of water-contained oil used in the hydraulic press before and after cleaning. These photographs show that the filtration completely destroys emulsion and restores oil. The results of the tests of new filters convincingly prove the perspectives of their use for cleaning of hydraulic oils in the technological hydraulic systems.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 6 poz.
  • Akademia Badań Stosowanych, Sankt-Petersburg, Rosja
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