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A lot of standards describe resistance and resistivity measurement methods appropriate for a particular material or product. In the case of textile materials, some evolution has occurred in both the defnitions and measurement techniques in the sphere of resistance and resistivity measurements. Some standards outline a two-electrode measurement system for surface resistance. The sole volume nature of conduction current is assumed to appear in textile materials. This assumption leads to a specifc relation between the volume Rv2 and "surface" resistances Rs (Rv1). In this study, it was also shown that in the case of standard electrodes, the parameter (Rv1/Rv2) h2 (where h is the sample thickness) should be constant. The value of this parameter, determined experimentally, was found to be constant for fabrics with a volume resistivity that changed over three orders of magnitude. However, the parameter value was much lower in comparison to that predicted theoretically. The phenomenon observed was explained by the infuence of additional contact resistance appearing between the sample surface and the rigid electrodes, as well as by the anisotropy of resistivity.
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Bibliogr. 7 poz.,
- Institute of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Wrocław University of Technology Wyb. Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland,
- 1. IEC Standard, Publication 93, Methods of test for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of solid electrical insulating materials. II Ed. 1980.
- 2. Standard DIN 54 345, Beurteilung des elekrostatischen Verhaltens, 1972.
- 3. Standard ISO 10965, Textile foor coverings - Determination of electrical resistance, 1998.
- 4. Standard EN 1081, Resilient foor coverings - Determination of the electrical resistance, 1998.
- 5. Norma PN-92/E-05203, Ochrona przed elektrycznością statyczną. Materiały i wyroby stosowane w obiektach oraz strefach zagrożonych wybuchem. Metody badania oporu elektrycznego właściwego i oporu upływu.
- 6. Siciński Z., Badanie materiałów elektroizolacyjnych. WNT, Warszawa,1968.
- 7. Lisowski M. Pomiary rezystywności i przenikalności elektrycznej dielektryków stałych. Ofc. Wyd. Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław, 2004.
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