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Projekt GEOPORTAL.GOV.PL i jego znaczenie dla udostępniania danych Państwowego Zasobu Geodezyjnego i Kartograficznego

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Analysis of the Polish public administration indicates significant delays in scope of application of modern technologies. Consistent creation of an information society is a chance to change this unfavourable situation. Businessmen in the European Union member states already have direct access to information both on real estates as well as full spatial information covering areas embraced by their investment interests. Full and quick information on legal status of a real estate, on its physical features or regarding its actual usage type is of great importance for making investment decisions. In Poland for a long time all these information has been gathered and processed in Land and Buildings Register that constitutes a basic element of the State Geodetic and Cartographic Resource. With small exceptions they are, however, not widely accessible on-line on a local level nor the national level. Information on property selling prices is necessary for making sound investments. At present the Polish businessmen do not utilise on a broad scale modern tools that take the advantage of spatial information due to limited and in some cases even troublesome access to data and its fragmentary, mostly analogue form. Also quality and reliability of these data often leave a lot to be desired. GEOPORTAL.GOV.PL Project utilises state-of-the-arts information and telecommunication technology in order to widely access broadly understood on-line spatial information. Realisation of the project will result in development in numerous fields, among others entrepreneurship, competitiveness, innovation, and finally will contribute to the development of information society. The project aims at creation of a modern, consistent with the EU INSPIRE draft Directive, portal-type and accessible on-line repository of digital geospatial information. The system shall enable on-line browsing and payable sharing reference spatial data with entrepreneurs and private individuals. The following article contains basic information regarding the idea of the project, technical and organisational assumptions, adopted IT solutions, proposed architecture of an IT system and basic functions of GEOPORTAL system.
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