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Jakie zbiorniki wodne wybierają żaby i ropuchy na miejsce rozrodu? (Wyniki badań wybranych fizycznych i chemicznych wskaźników jakości wód zbiorników wodnych na terenie Szczecińskiego Parku Krajobrazowego)

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Which water reservoirs frogs and toads prefer as procreation place? Investigation results of selected physical and chemical quality indexes in Szczecin Landscape Park water reservoirs)
Języki publikacji
Sprawa wyboru przez żaby i ropuchy zbiorników wodnych na miejsce godów, nieustannie frapuje przyrodników. Można się domyślać, że dokonując wyboru tego, a nie innego zbiornika wodnego na miejsce godów i później bytowania przez pewien czas swego potomstwa, płazy dokonują wyboru na podstawie instynktownej oceny jakości wód w zbiorniku. Badania, których wyniki niniejszym przedstawiamy miały na celu wstępne rozeznanie, na podstawie niedużej liczby podstawowych fizycznych i chemicznych wskaźników jakości wód, czy i czym różniły się wody zbiorników, w których odbywały się gody żab i ropuch na wybranym obszarze Szczecińskiego Parku Krajobrazowego, od wód innych zbiorników leżących w sąsiedztwie, które nie zostały uznane przez płazy za stosowne - nadające się do rozrodu. Wyniki wstępnych badań wód, które żaby brunatne i ropuchy szare wybrały na miejsce rozrodu dają podstawę do następujących wniosków: Żaby i ropuchy wybrały wody bardzo czyste, I klasy jakości, za wyjątkiem ChZT-Mn i stężeń związków fosforu, które były wyższe (II klasa jakości wód). Dogodne do rozmnażania były wody zbiorników płytkich o ciemnym dnie, o toni wodnej bez zawiesin, łatwo nagrzewającej się w słoneczne dni nawet do kilkunastu oC, (tak, że wody są wtedy cieplejsze niż powietrze), o wysokim natlenieniu, wysokiej pojemności buforowej i znikomych stężeniach żelaza i manganu, a także o niskich wartościach wskaźników redoks przy umiarkowanej zawartości materii organicznej o charakterze reduktorów. Gody ropuch szarych wypadły w momencie, gdy wody tego zbiornika osiągnęły specyficzny stan zasobności w utleniacze i reduktory, a w szczególności, gdy wystąpiły duże stężenia rozpuszczonego tlenu. oraz posiadały bardzo niski potencjał redoks.
A preliminary attempt to find out which of many similar water reservoirs are chosen by frogs and toads as breeding areas was made. In early spring and spring (1 March - 5 April 2002) field observations were made and selected physical and chemical parameters of water quality were determined in 8 water bodies in the Szczecin Landscape Park north of Lake Binowo. Brown frogs and common toads (Bufo bufo L.) were found to have selected for breeding a water body adjoining to a forest and a mid-forest one. Both water bodies were shallow (0.5 m depth), with clear water and dark bottom, vegetated in 30-40% by emergent plants. Compared to the six remaining water bodies, those selected by the amphibians were cleanest (most water quality parameters corresponded to water quality class I in Polish classification). They were also the fastest to warm by the sun. The issue of choice by frogs and toads of water reservoirs as the spot of the mating, it is the matter fascinating the naturalists unceasingly. It is possible to conjecture, that choosing this, and not the other water reservoir for the spot of mating and later existence for some time of their offspring, amphibians act using some premises (instinct), and it blind hazard. Maybe decisions of choice are connected with quality of waters of chosen reservoir. The aim of investigation which results are presented in this paper was the preliminary cognition, on the basis of small number of basic physical and chemical indexes of water quality, if and with what differed waters of reservoirs in which frogs and toads mating took place on selected area of Szczecin Landscape Park, from water of other water reservoirs lying in neighbourhood which were not recognized by amphibians for appropriate - likely to reproduction. During early spring of year 2002 the field observations and selected physical (temperature) and chemical (pH, Eh, pE and rH, CODMn, concentration of O2dissolved, grade of water oxidation, concentration solutes, remainder after roasting, concentration of NO3-, NO2-, NH4+, PO43-, Ptotal, general hardness, concentration of Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO42-, general alkalinity, concentration of Fetotal, Fedissolved as well as Mntotal) indexes of water quality were carried out in 8 water reservoir (forest lacing holes and flood water, field and placed on the boundary of forests and fields) in Szczecin Landscape Park on the area placed north from Binowo lake. Thanks to field observations, which permitted to establish, that on March 29 2002 in reservoir Nr. 1 about 60 brown frogs had mating and on April 5 2002 in reservoir Nr. 3 about 100 grey toad's (Bufo bufo L.) individuals had mating, and therefore waters of those reservoirs at this particular time made up a suitable environment to perform mating as well as in the perspective convenient temporary habitation for young generation of frogs and toads, it is possible basing on results of investigations of water in reservoirs Nr. 1 and 3 at this time, to try to give the preliminary characteristics of water which is suitable for reproduction of brown frogs and grey toad: On the basis of results of investigation of 15 indexes of water quality which were evaluated according to criterions of water quality used in Poland for determination of cleanness (class division) of the inland water, it was established that water was very clean - values of 12 studied indexes of water quality were in the I class of quality, except for CODMn and concentration phosphorus compounds which were higher (the II class of water quality), which in case of the amphibians, ma be the desirable circumstance (the presence of orthophosphates in water is indispensable for correct development of organisms of some water animals). Water convenient for reproduction is the water of shallow reservoirs with dark bottom, with no suspensions in the water, easily becoming warm even up to more than ten degrees centigrade during sunny days, that water is then warmer than air, with high oxidation, high acid-alkaline buffer capacity and low concentrations of iron and manganese, and also with low values of redox indexes by reasonable content of organic matter with character of reducers. On the basis of changes of chemism of reservoir Nr 3 water during investigation period establish, that moment of grey toads' mating fell out in the moment, when water of this reservoir reached specific state of oxidants and reducers amount, and particularly when the concentrations of dissolved oxygen were high (water was even overoxidized, which was connected with the temperature rise as a result of warming by solar radiation) as well as had measured electrochemically very low redox potential, which may occur in reservoir when the processes of water oxygen enhancement (absorption from air as well as development of water vegetation) start to overweigh over using O2 in dissimilation processes, which augurs well for the biocenosis.
Opis fizyczny
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