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Bioremediacja gruntów zanieczyszczonych związkami ropopochodnymi z terenu rafinerii metodą biopryzmy

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Bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soils from the refinery by biopile
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Przedstawiono oczyszczanie gruntów zanieczyszczonych związkami ropopochodnymi metodą biopryzmy, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem mikrobiologicznych i toksykologicznych aspektów procesu. Zastosowanie niektórych parametrów technologicznych sposób napowietrzania, wprowadzenie substancji biogennych (NPK) oraz substancji powierzchniowo czynnych, jak również aplikacja szczepionki mikrobiologicznej wpłynęło na szybkość i efektywność procesu oczyszczania. Zaadaptowanie i wykorzystanie metod mikrobiologicznych tradycyjnych i badań molekularnych, w tym analizy PCR w skali technicznej umożliwiło właściwą charakterystykę mikroorganizmów uczestniczących w biodegradacji związków ropopochodnych, z uwzględnieniem zwłaszcza bakterii produkujących biologiczne SPC. Zastosowany w pracy schemat oparty na parametrach fizyczno-chemicznych, mikrobiologicznych (aktywność dehydrogenaz, pomiary respirometryczne aparatem MicroOxymax oraz oznaczenie ogólnej liczby mikroorganizmów metodami fluorescencyjnymi) i ekoloksykoiogicznych, obejmujących zestaw testów genotoksyczności i fitotok-syczności, okazał się przydanym narzędziem do oceny efektywności i skuteczności procesu oczyszczania, zarówno w gruntach, jak i odciekach. Po dwóch lalach procesu bioremediacji gruntu stężenie węglowodorów ropopochodnych spadło o 81%. Kombinacja aktywnego napowietrzania, biostymulacji i bioaugmentacji zapewniła zwiększenie szybkości i wydajności procesu. Pasywne napowietrzanie pozwoliło zredukować koszty, ale wydłużało czas bioremediacji z 3 do 5 miesięcy. Z oczyszczanych gruntów wyizolowano około 200 szczepów bakterii, drożdży i grzybów strzępkowych. Do ich identyfikacji i określenia zależności filo-genetycznych zastosowano analizę sekwencyjną fragmentu DNA kodującegol6S rRNA. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na bakterie, które miały dwie istotne cechy, tj. produkowały biosurfaktanty oraz charakteryzowały się dużą zdolnością do biodegradacji węglowodorów ropopochodnych, zarówno alifatycznych, jak i aromatycznych, ze względu na ich przyszłe aplikacje w innych technologiach biorę mediacyjnych, zarówno gruntów, jak i ścieków zanieczyszczonych produktami ropopochodnymi.
More than a century of continuous use of a sulphuric acid-based oil refming method by the Czechowice Oil Refinery in Poland produced an estimated 120,000 tons of acidic, highly weathered, petroleum sludge. This waste was deposited into three open waste lagoons of 3 meters in depth and of a total area of 3.8 hectares. One of the waste lagoons was chosen for a demonstration study on an aerobic biopile, based on physicochemical, microbiological and ecoloxicological characlerization. The biopile with actively and passively aerated sections was constructed in 1997 in the smallest lagoon (0.3 hectares) at the Czechowice Oil Refinery. The waste from the lagoon was removed, and 5000 tons of petroleum-contaminated soils were treated in tne bioremediation process. Numerous COCs (contaminants of concern) werc present at this site, but the petroleum hydrocarbons were the main concern. A simple and cost-effective ex situlon-site bioremediation technotogy was designed. The purpose of this study was to clean up petroleum contaminated soils. The project focused on the application of cost-effective amendments for biostimuiation, including NPK fertilizers, the surfactant Rokafenol N8, and employing an indigenous microbial consortium for an enhanced hydrocarbon biodegradation. Over the 20 month project, morę than 81% (120 metric tones) of petroleum hydrocarbons were biodegraded. The highest decrease of TPH (58%) and TPOC (49%) concentrations was ob-served in the first stage of bioremediation process in the biopile. The concentrations of TPH and all PAHs were below the Polish risk guidelines. This fuli scalę demonstration simultaneously remediated contaminated soil to acceptable harmfulness levels and created a permanent green zone that has great public acceptance and greatly reduces the overall risk of the refinery to the city. A restored green area with lush vegetation including grass and trees now covers the surface of the biopile. The costs of bioremediation processes were significantly lower when compared with other bioremediation treatment processes. Degradation of organie polkitants would be enhanced by improving the intrinsic limiling factors or by changing the environmental extrinsic conditions to promote the enzymatic capacity of the indigenous microbial community. Based on the results obtained, biodegradation rates mainly depended on the activity of degrading microorganisms, bioremediation time period, and concentration and type of contaminants. In the present study, the battery of the following bioassays: Spirotox, MicrotoxŽ, Toxkits, umu-test and SOS-chromotest and plant assays were applied to evaluate efficiency of bioremediation process in petroleum contaminated soils. Six higher plant species (Secale cereale, L., Lactuca sativa L., Zea mays L., Lepidium sativum L., Triticum vulgare L., Brassica olera-cea L.) were used for bioassay tests based on seed germination and rool elongation. The bioassays were presented to be sensitive indicators of soil qua!ity and can be used to evaluate the ąuality of bioremediated soil. The ecotoxicological research revealed that there were no toxic and genotoxic substances in the soil from biopile after 4 years of treatment. However, the umu test was morę sensitive than the SOS chromotest in the analysis of petroleum hydrocarbon-bioremediated soil. Analytical results of soil used in the bioassyas confirmed that the bioreme diation process reduced 81% of the petroleum hydrocarbons. The study encourages the need to combine the bioassays with chemical and microbiological parameters for evaluation of the bioremediation effectiveness and assessing the contaminated/remediated soils. Microbial diversity in hydrocarbon-contaminated soils was characterized during a Polish refinery bioremediation project. A total of 200 bacteria, fungi, and yeast were isolated from contaminated soils utilizing a combination of culturedependeni and independent approaches. Among isolated strains, Pseudomonas, Chryseomonas, Sphingomonas and Stenotrophomonas genera prcdominated in the bacterial population, while Candida, Exophiata and Fusańum dominated in fungal population. The isolates were then screened to determine hydrocarbon biodegradation potcntial for use as biomarkers in future monitoring of natural attenuation. Molecular approaches including 16S rDNA gene analysis were used to identify the bacterial strains. They were mainly found to be within Proteobacteria. Isolates were found to be most closely related to Ralstonia, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, and Achromobacier, Alcaligenes and Microbacteńum species. Selected bacterial strains had the abilily of producing biosurfactants in the presence of petroleum compound and biodegrading a variety of petroleum hydrocarbons including aromatic hydrocarbons. Among them, Alcaligenes piechaudii SRS, Ralstonia pickettii SRS, and Pseudomonas pulida biotype B SRS demonstrated the ability to produce biosurfactants as well as degrade a wide range of the petroleum compounds. The microbial diversity of the soils at this site contributed to the successful bioremediation of the hydrocarbons. The combination of molecular and traditional microbiological culture tecbniques are useful tools for evaluating microbial diversity in the petroleum contaminated soils.
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