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Mobilny zestaw radarowy jako źródło informacji przestrzennej na potrzeby monitoringu ruchu na śródlądowych drogach wodnych

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Mobile radar set as a source of spatial information for the needs of traffic monitoring on inland waterways
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W artykule przedstawiono mobilny zestaw radarowy, który może być wykorzystany do monitoringu śródlądowych dróg wodnych. Jest on zbudowany z wykorzystaniem radaru na falę ciągłą, dzięki czemu nie stanowi istotnego zagrożenia dla środowiska. Parametry zastosowanego rozwiązania pozwalają na uzyskanie bardzo dobrej rozróżnialności promieniowej na małych zakresach. Rozróżnialność kątowa, ze względu na małe rozmiary anteny, znacznie się pogarsza wraz ze wzrostem odległości, ale na niewielkich zakresach wydaje się być zadowalająca. Obraz radarowy, po odpowiedniej kalibracji, może zostać nałożony na elektroniczną mapę nawigacyjną, dzięki czemu stanowi istotne jej uzupełnienie. W artykule wskazano dwa podstawowe sposoby jego wykorzystania jako informacji przestrzennej. Pierwszy to potraktowanie obrazu radarowego jako danych rastrowych i na drodze odpowiedniej interpretacji uzyskanie żądanych informacji. Drugi to wykorzystanie samych celów radarowych jako danych wektorowych z odpowiednimi atrybutami (meldunek radarowy). Zwykle obie metody są wykorzystywane jednocześnie. Przykłady przedstawione w artykule pokazują jakie informacje przestrzenne, uzupełniające w stosunku do mapy, mogą zostać pozyskane z obrazu radarowego. Przykładów tego typu można by podać znacznie więcej, co świadczy o przydatności opisywanego rozwiązania.
Traffic monitoring systems for ships or more complex Vessel Traffic Systems - TTS, which are in fact specialised geographic information systems, are widely used in the areas difficult for navigation. In case of inland waterways, they are a part of the concept of harmonized River Information Services. This concept has been included in so called RIS Directive of the European Parliament and the Council 2005/44/EC, which has been currently implemented in most of the European countries, including Poland. The Directive shows key services and technologies to be used in RIS. One of them is the service of tracking and tracing vessels, usually based on inland Automatic Identification System - InlandAIS and on radars. Based on these sensors, so called traffic image is created. This image is presented also in shore centres for traffic monitoring. The applications they use can be treated as GIS. Various objects, vital from traffic safety point of view, are presented on a numerical chart. The attributes of the objects can be seen with the use of suitable query to database system. Ships themselves are a very special group of objects, as their position is variable. As it has been already mentioned, the information about ships is gathered from AIS or radar, keeping in mind that radar is an independent sensor and therefore should be treated as more reliable. The paper presents a mobile radar set, which was built during one of the research projects in Maritime University of Szczecin. The set may become the source of spatial information for such a monitoring system. The set may be used both on board of the ship, and as a mobile shore station. While being mobile it can be engaged for intervention purposes in many cases as an additional sensor in the monitoring system if needed or it can be also posted as a traditional shore station. The set can be used for monitoring marine waters, however the technical specification of the antenna used makes it more useful for monitoring traffic in inland waterways. The main body of the paper contains technological background and a concept of mobile radar set, analysis of radar screen as a source of spatial information and examples of using the set for tracking and tracing as a supplementary source for electronic navigational chart. The mobile radar set consists of an antenna, radar interface, multi-function display, power generator and external PC (notebook), which is simulating suitable in-coming signals and receiving out-going signals. The antenna used iworks with frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW), what makes it safer and more friendly for the user and environment, due to the reduced transmitting peak power. Because of small dimensions, however, not very good bearing discrimination may be expected. For proper interpretation and understanding of radar screen, basic knowledge of radars and its most important clutters and distortions is required. The paper is focused mostly on cartographic distortions and the size of the echo, as they are most important if radar is used as a supplementary source for the chart. There are two ways in which radar system can provide GIS data. Firstly, radar screens are rasters, which can overlay the map and thus supplement it. This requires of course proper raster calibration. Secondly, tracked targets can be introduced to GIS as vector data (usually with point geometry) with suitable attributes - target data. Usually both methods are used simultaneously. The paper presents the examples, which show a few typical cases for both. Among the examples, typical objects like a bridge, a shoreline, fishing nets and tracked targets, are presented.
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Bibliogr. 9 poz.
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