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Techniki teledetekcyjne w inwentaryzacji urządzeniowej lasu

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Remote sensing techniques in forest inventory
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In the paper, preliminary results of research are presented. The project was executed by the Forest Management and Monitoring Unit of the Forestry Research Institute in cooperation with the GIS and Remote Sensing Laboratory at the Forest Ecology Department of the Forestry Faculty at the Kraków Agricultural Academy and was commissioned by the Directorate General of State Forests. Analysis of current state of the issue as discussed in world literature, not including results of the research of the authors. of this paper, was ordered by Forest Management Unit of the Forestry Research Institute. The aim of this research is assessment of currently available information sources about forests (alternative to traditional ground measurements) from the point of view of their possible use in forest inventory. Different remotely sensed data were assessed, including high-resolution Quickbird satellite images, panchromatic 1:13.000 aerial photos, AISA hyperspectral scanner images, DGPS measurements and others selected materials. Possible use of these sources of information on tree stands was tested in summer 2003 and 2004 in Staszów forest district (Regional Directorate of State Forests Radom) and in Niepo3omice forest district (Regional Directorate of State Forests Kraków). Usefulness of the following techniques was proved: 1) DGPS receivers and aerial and satellite images (QuickBird and aerial photos) in updating delineation of any internal boundaries in forest complexes; 2) registered digital images for acquiring information on crown closure of certain types of tree stands, species composition, number of trees and their spatial pattern; 3) laser scanning for acquisition of accurate data on tree height and vertical architecture of tree stands and landform features; 4) remote sensed data for evaluation of tree health status and for monitoring its changes in subsequent years of implementation of economic plans of forest regions; 5) combination of the a/m techniques for creation of a numerical model of land surface. It is forecasted that with the development of radar and laser techniques it will be soon possible to acquire precise information on the wealth of tree stands. In the conclusions: 1) attention was drawn to: a) limitations and flaws of these techniques such as cloudless weather and appropriate vegetation period for aerial and satellite photos, b) high price of QuickBird and IKONOS satellite images, expecting at the same time promotional prices, when IKONOS satellite receiving station is opened in Komorów near Warsaw; c) too small group of specialists in the area of processing and interpretation of aerial and satellite images in Poland; 2) the need for wider than up till now application of remote sensing techniques for acquisition of information for forest inventory was emphasized, first of all due its objectivity and usually higher accuracy as compared to traditional forest inventory practices.
Opis fizyczny
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