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Miniaturization of footprint of assembly systems - concepts for mini factories

Automatyzacja produkcji. Nauka - Wiedza - Innowacje. Tom. I. Referaty plenarne i sesje. Wrocław, 11-12 grudnia 2003
Języki publikacji
Mini and micro factories are expected to decrease floor space requirements, reduce energy re-quirements, improve material resource utilization and increase manufacturing equipment speed and positioning precision as welt as increase the degree of freedom of product design and modification. The leading-edge production of miniature microelectromechanical and micro-optoeiectromechanical devices calls for special production spaces (e.g. clean rooms) leading to increased demands for more efficient space utilization of assembly systems. High performance mini and micro factories could revolutionize the manufacturing and assembly. Miniaturized factories would address market needs for more customized products, whilst simultaneously ensuring the precise manufacturing of miniaturized products.The paper introduces and compares several mini factory concepts recently developed at various research institutes or already on the market to each other and a benchmark concept of'traditional' ro-botised assembly system. The comparison comments the different concepts' dimensions, advantages and limitations. Also the working principles and special features of each system are discussed, with an eye for the suitability for different assembly processes. The paper also very briefly discusses the minifactory concept (TOMI Minifactory) developed at the Assembly Automation Laboratory at the Institute of Production Engineering in Tampere Univer-sity of Technology during a three-year research project. The TOMI Mini factory is also compared to the other concepts pointing out the differences to justify the selected approach and to emphasize the approach towards cells with common interfaces and modular structure. The paper ends up with conelusions and insights into the future of production, especially final assembly of consumer goods and electronic devices.
Słowa kluczowe
  • Tampere University of Technology, Institute of Production Engineering, Assembly Automation Laboratory, P.O. Box 589, 33101 Tampere, Finland
  • Tampere University of Technology, Institute of Production Engineering, Assembly Automation Laboratory, P.O. Box 589, 33101 Tampere, Finland
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