Tytuł artykułu
Automatyzacja produkcji. Nauka - Wiedza - Innowacje. Tom. I. Referaty plenarne i sesje. Wrocław, 11-12 grudnia 2003
Języki publikacji
Product development depends on the requirements and the environment where the product is to be manufactured and put into use. A problem can be defined by means of rational perception of the problem and the analysis of the natural process and its subordinated substitute, referred to as technical process. Together with problem definition, the functional requirements and axioms, which enable the definition of the course of product development, are being perceived. The paper presents a logical correlation among particular individual activities. A particular emphasis has been placed on the use of the techniques of creative thinking for the purpose of creating a problem definition. By means of the techniques of creative thinking. The problem has been defined, which results in the form of design requirements. The descriptive matrix, de-lining the correlation between design requirements and functions, has been derived. Emphasis has been given to a dynamic search for correlations between descriptive and morphological matrices. Such concept of planning enables the connection from the construction requirements to functions and further on to the working principles. Tests, which the submitted methods have been subject to, have shown the possibility of formalized records.
Opis fizyczny
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