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Synchronous generators for independent direct-drive wind power plants
Problemy eksploatacji maszyn i napędów elektrycznych (2005; Ustroń, Polska)
Języki publikacji
For the correct definition of capital expenses and working costs, for the development of an autonomous wind power plant, it is necessary to take into account the features of the consumers of electric energy, modes of their work, time power diagrams of winds for the given district, and also, a whole series of other factors. The construction circuit of such electric station is considered. It is recommended to use the gearless stations that are equipped with low-speed synchronous generators with excitation from permanent magnets for the purpose of maximal use of energy small winds. The front design of the synchronous generator is well coordinated with various kinds of wind wheel. The offered bloc-modular design of the electric machine provides an opportunity of manufacturing of generators with the capacity from 1 up to 10-15 kW from the unified elements and standard blocks. The description of a design of the generator and its elements is given in this article. Generators have good technical and economic parameters, high reliability, and practically do not demand service. Wind power plants with offered generators can be used for various types of equipment such as drives of water pumps, air conditionings, heating of water, heating, and other economic needs. Generators can find applications in small hydro-power engineering.
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Bibliogr. 7 poz., rys.
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- Uniwersytet Narodowy „Politechnika Lwowska”, Lwów
- Uniwersytet Narodowy „Politechnika Lwowska”, Lwów
- Uniwersytet Narodowy „Politechnika Lwowska”, Lwów
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